Milkereit, J., Burger, M. and Hodson, A.K., 2025. Influence of recycled organic waste amendments on carbon pools, greenhouse gas emissions, and nematode indicators of soil health. Applied Soil Ecology. 208, p.105967.
Wauters, V.M., Gaudin, A.C., Haring, S., Hanson, B.D., Geoghan, P., Kim, H. and Hodson, A., 2025. Cover crop composition influences soil health and nematodes in a Mediterranean almond orchard system. Applied Soil Ecology. 206, p.105888.
Hodson, A.K., Celayir, T. and A. Quiroz Alonso. A real time PCR assay to detect and quantify root-knot nematodes from soil extracts. Plant Disease. 107(7): 2169-2176. 2023
Shea, E., Fernández-Bayo, J.D., Hodson, A.K., Parr, A.E., Lopez, E., Achmon, Y., Toniato, J., Milkereit, J. , Crowley, R., Stapleton, J.J., VanderGheynst, J.S., and C. W. Simmons. Biosolarization restructures soil bacterial communities and decreases parasitic nematode populations. Applied Soil Ecology. 172, 104343. 2022.
Hodson, A.K., Sayre, J.M., Lyra, M. C. C. P., and J.L. Mazza Rodrigues. Influence of recycled waste compost on soil food webs, nutrient cycling and tree growth in a young almond orchard. Agronomy. 11, 1745. 2021.
Hodson, A.K., Cicchetto, A., and F.A. Fierro. Real time PCR assays to detect and quantify the nematodes Pratylenchus vulnus and Mesocriconema xenoplax. Crop Protection. 105617. 2021.
Milkereit, J., Geisseler, D., Lazicki, P., Settles, M.L., Durbin-Johnson, B.P., and A. Hodson. Interactions between nitrogen availability, bacterial communities, and nematode indicators of soil food web function in response to organic amendments. Applied Soil Ecology. 157, 103767. 2021.
Lazcano, C., Deniston-Sheets, H.M., Stubler, C., Hodson, A.K., Watts, K.R., Afriyie, P., Casassa, L.F., and J.C. Dodson Peterson. Soil management induced shifts in nematode food webs within a Mediterranean vineyard in the Central Coast of California (USA). Applied Soil Ecology. 157, 103756. 2021.
Fernandez Bayo, J.D., Shea, E.A., Parr, A.E., Achmon, Y., Stapleton J.J., VanderGheynst, J.J. Hodson, A.K. and C.W. Simmons. Almond processing residues as a source of organic acid biopesticides during biosolarization. Waste Management. 101:74-82. 2020.
Milkereit, J., Stoddard, S.C., Dito, D.F., and A.K. Hodson. The influence of leaf traits and deficit irrigation on insect communities in mature green tomato production. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 22(2): 119-128. 2020.
Hodson, A.K., Milkereit, J., John, G.C., Doll, D.A., and R.A. Duncan. The effect of fumigation on nematode communities in California almond orchards. Nematology. 21(9): 899-912. 2019.
Hodson, A.K. and Lampinen, B.D. Effects of cultivar and leaf traits on the abundance of pacific spider mites in almond orchards. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 13(3): 453-463. 2019.
Gulcu, B., Hodson, A., Omaleki, V. Ross, A. and E. Lewis. A biological control approach to reducing Naupactus godmani (Curculionidae) populations in citrus using entomopathogenic nematodes. Crop Protection. 115:99–103. 2019.
Margenot, A. J. and A. K. Hodson Relationships between labile soil organic matter and nematode communities in a California oak woodland. Nematology. 18(10): 1231–1245. 2016.
Hodson, A.K. and E.E. Lewis. Managing for Soil Health can Suppress Pests. California Agriculture. 70(3):137–141. 2016.
Steenwerth, K.L., Hodson, A.K., Bloom, A.J., Carter, M.R., Cattaneo, A., Chartres, C.J., Hatfield, J.L., Henry, K., Hopmans, J.W., Horwath, W.R., Jenkins, B.M. , Kebreab, E., Leemans, R. , Lipper, L., Lubell, M.N., Msangi, S., Prabhu, R., Reynolds, M.P., Sandoval Solis, S., Sischo, W.M., Springborn, M., Tittonell, P., Wheeler, S.M., Vermeulen, S.J. , Wollenberg, E. , Jarvis, L.S., and L.E. Jackson. Climate-Smart Agriculture Global Research Agenda: Scientific Basis for Action. Agriculture & Food Security. 3:11. 2014.
DuPont, S. T., Beniston, J., Glover, J.D., Hodson, A, Culman, S.W., Lal, R., and H. Ferris. Root biomass and length in harvested perennial grassland, annual wheat, and never-tilled annual wheat; relationship to soil properties. Plant and Soil. 381(1-2):405–420. 2014.
Hodson, A.K., Ferris, H., Hollander, A.D. and L.E. Jackson. Nematode food webs associated with native perennial plant species and soil nutrient pools in California riparian oak woodlands. Geoderma. 228–229: 182–191. 2013.
Jackson, L.E, Bowles, T.M., Hodson, A.K. and C. Lazcano. Soil microbial-root and microbial-rhizosphere processes to increase nitrogen availability and retention in agroecosystems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 4(5):517–522. 2012.
Hodson, A.K., J.P. Siegel and E.E. Lewis. Ecological influence of the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, on pistachio orchard soil arthropods. Pedobiologia 55(1):51–58. 2012.
Hodson, A.K., Friedman, M.L., Wu, L.N., and E.E. Lewis. European earwig (Forficula auricularia) as a novel host for the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 107(1):60–64. 2011.
Karban, R., Hodson, A.K., Gruner, D.S., Lewis, E.E., Karban, J., Joseph, M., Mata, T., and D.R. Strong. Lack of susceptibility of soil-inhabiting Platyprepia virginalis caterpillars, a native arctiid, to entomopathogenic nematodes in nature. Entomologia Experimentalis et Aplicata 140(1):28–34. 2011.
Kaspi, R., Ross, A., Hodson, A.K., Kaya, H. and E.E. Lewis. Foraging efficacy of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema riobrave in different soil types from California citrus groves. Applied Soil Ecology 45(3):243–253. 2010.
Noosidum, A., Hodson, A.K., Lewis, E.E., and A. Chandrapatya. Characterization of new entomopathogenic nematodes from Thailand: Foraging behavior and virulence to the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Nematology. 42(4):281–91. 2010.
Hodson, A.K. and K.R. Gastreich. Evidence for a novel mutualism in the tropical understory shrub Piper urostachym. Biotropica 38(1): 127–131. 2006.